Here's a little life lesson last year Nashrah would have loved to hear. I am sat at Starbucks, sipping on my caramel waffle frappe, procrastinating and reflecting on some recent events, you all get to read all about it as I work through my thoughts.
How people act has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. It's never about you so don't let it to your head. But how you treat them in a moment when you can be petty but choose to be the bigger person, that says everything about you. You don't want to look back at life wishing you handled things better because you acted on your emotions in the moment.
So take time. Remove yourself from situations if you have to before you can productively reflect on them and make a judgement about how you should act. So you can treat people with kindness because at the end of the day all we are is just skin and bones and the only thing people will remember about you in the grand scheme of things is how you treated them.
So have courage and be kind. It's fucking hard at times when your patience is tested and you want to be petty but in the long term you will be able to look back at life and have lesser things you regret.
Love yourself,
Nashrah xo