I am really scared to post this one. This feels way too personal. A window into my darkest fears. But the voices in my head that sometimes get really loud with all the catastrophizing need a reminder that everything will be okay. It always is. So if you are struggling, you aren't alone. Here goes nothing.
I am fine, I survived.
There was dawn after the darkest night.
My past in the pyre, I burnt in desire
To be loved and held as I wept
Touch starved for a while but I survived.
I was fed and had a bed,
“Be grateful!”, I said in the moments I craved
My father’s embrace, “Come back!"
I wept in the moment as I mummy’s tear escape.
I now wore lipstick, red
I felt calm, free from demons in my head
Locked in the cave away from my friends
Sat on a carpet scarfed down the bread
But storm couldn’t stay away
“I will never find a way out”, I said
Peace is a privilege pricey for the persecuted
The poor never catch a break
I stood strong in the face of the storm
Eroding away until I was gone
I felt the heat, crisp and warm
At the crack of dawn, a phoenix was born.
My heart baptised and welded in fire,
Won so many wars as a wounded warrior
I have dropped my sword now,
I was never a failure.
I am fine, I survived.
There is dawn after every dark night.